3 new roadblocks to cloud computing
When it comes to adopting the cloud, enterprise IT remains split, with some for, some against, and the rest after all waiting to see more results earlier jumping in. That's typical for new innovation adoption, given the large number of changes -- both opportunuties and risks -- that cloud computing engenders.
The ability for the existing networks
Infrastructure readiness refers to the ability for the existing networks and computers that will consume cloud services to perform at the levels required. It's true that many enterprises will have to upgrade their existing infrastructure to support the requirements of moving some systems to public and hybrid clouds.
The budget roadblock is a bit of a wild card. Many companies move to cloud computing to save money, so it's hard at first sight glance to understand why a limited budget be a consideration. Actually, an initial investment is typically required, and many IT shops have static budgets that must be closely managed. They can't spend $5 million upfront to reduce their IT costs from $100 million to $75 million annually. That seems like a silly reason, nevertheless anyone who has battled budgets in larger organizations understands this common issue.
The cloud are fading
Even as some roadblocks to adopting the cloud are fading, new ones emerge. That's not bad, and the roadblocks aren't always excuses to say no. There will always be a reason to move to the cloud -- and reasons not to. It's not the worst development, as it ensures that the innovation and best practices improve.
This article, "3 new roadblocks to cloud computing," originally appeared at InfoWorld.com. Read more of David Linthicum's Cloud Computing blog and track the latest developments in cloud computing at InfoWorld.com. For the latest business innovation news, follow InfoWorld.com on Twitter.
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