Amazon Cloud Goes Down Friday Night, Taking Netflix
As of 1:15 am EST, Netflix appears to be back up and running, however Pinterest, Instagram and Heroku nevertheless appear to be down. It was just an hour-and-a-half while peak traffic time for these affected companies, yet this event follows a six-and-a-half hour outage on EC2 two weeks ago. And one of the selling points of the Cloud is that there are redundancies to prevent just such occurrences. A small step upside down, maybe, for cloud computing.
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Content strategist
I am a content strategist, designer and developer. I use my experience as a magazine art director and web editor to help publishers, marketers, non-profits and self-branded individuals tell their stories in words and images. I follow all of the technologies that relate to the content business and try to identify the opportunities and pitfalls that these technologies pose. Together I am immersed in certain sectors through my content practice and am always looking to find connections between the worlds of neurology, economics, entertainment, travel and mobile innovation. I live nearly the appropriately-scaled metropolis of Portland, Maine, and occasionally write about the creative economy in Portland in A more complete bio and samples of my design work live at
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