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Apple Claims HTC Still Infringes

Apple has gone back to the International Trade Commission with a fresh complaint that claims the HTC workaround that let its Android widgets clear US customs is a bunch of baloney and that HTC is on the whole infringing Apple's data tapping patent.

The ITC enjoined some HTC imports into the US effective April 16 and customs seized a couple of shipments until it was persuaded HTC had changed the code in two new phones.

Apple, which has pictures that allegedly prove its point, has asked for an emergency hearing and enforcement against 29 HTC devices.

FOSS Patents says "there can be a genuine dispute over whether HTC's new implementation of the feature for all that falls within the scope of the patent. HTC to all appearances believes that it doesn't, during Apple believes that it does. The ITC will now have to evaluate the innovation found in HTC's current products."

The most read research reporter for the past 20 years

Maureen O'Gara the most read research reporter for the past 20 years, is the Cloud Computing and Virtualization News Desk editor of SYS-CON Media. She is the publisher of famous "Billygrams" and the editor-in-chief of "Client/Server News" for more than a decade. One of the most respected research reporters in the business, Maureen can be reached by email at maureen(at)sys-con.com or paperboy(at)g2news.com, and by phone at 516 759-7025. Twitter: @MaureenOGara

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