Ecosmob upgrades its flagship website Asteriskservice.com
We offers expert services for custom Asterisk development, installation and configuration, Dialplan programming, IVR designing, AGI scripting, Fax support, Vicidial installation and configuration, A2Billing, AstBill and support for FreePBX, TriBox or Hylafax to power the IP PBX systems, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) gateways, Conference Servers and much more.
The company has to its credit a number of successfully implemented medium to big sized Asterisk projects like Conference Solutions, Phone Verification Systems, Hosted PBX (Private -Automatic- Branch Exchange) Solutions, DID Routing Engine, Proxy & Billing Solutions, Dictation Application, IVR Application for Insurance Companies, Quiz Application and CallShop Application. Their customers range from small to large Businesses, Call Centers, Carriers and Governments worldwide.
CosmoBS, which is the flagship packaged service of Asterisk Services and research expertise through Open Source Consulting. Their key offerings include range of solutions for Telecommunications, E-Commerce and Mobile domain.
Ecosmob Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is an Ahmedabad; India based leading VoIP Solutions Company in operation since 2007. Incorporated by three young technopreneurs', the company offers customized VOIP-based business solutions, Asterisk Services and research expertise through Open Source Consulting. Their key offerings include range of solutions for Telecommunications, E-Commerce and Mobile domain.
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