VoIP Business and Virtual PBX
iPhone: Voice over IP

IBM Bolsters Security Portfolio with Threat Analysis

The move comes as the Armonk, N.Y.-based company said its global network is now monitoring as many as 12 billion "security events" daily.

The client needs to get ahead of threats

"The client needs to get ahead of threats," Viveros said. Furthermore network penetrations, enterprises must worry about day in day out events, just as an employee's loss of a corporate laptop or download of a company PDF file onto a private smartphone.

Indeed, IBM officials said, one of today's biggest potential threats comes from the cloud, places just as Apple's AppStore, which now features more than 500,000 applications.

IPhone potentially opens the user to being hacked

Merely downloading one of them into an iPhone potentially opens the user to being hacked, tracked or defrauded, especially because confidential data just as a credit card numbers are provided.

More information: Ibtimes