It's Terrifying and Sickening that Microsoft Can Now Listen In on All My Skype Calls
- Since the Microsoft purchase, it has been heavily promoted to Facebook users as an additional communications tool within the Facebook platform. But, new sign-ups to the Skype service are as well likely not aware of the capability
I don't know if it's going to be Apple or some other smaller company trying to knock Skype off its leadership perch in VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) calling, however it seems to me that there is a huge possibility for big and small Web/mobile companies to champion true user privacy. I'm willing to bet that a huge proportion of users would opt for it if actually given the choice in a clear and open manner, instead of having the choice hidden from their view.
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Eric Jackson is Founder and Managing Member of Ironfire Capital LLC. He completed his Ph.D. in the Management Department at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business in New York, with a specialization in Strategic Management. You can follow Jackson on Twitter @ericjackson, subscribe to him on Facebook, follow on Sina Weibo, or Circle him on Google+. Email is: dr.eric.jackson@me.com
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Microsoft Can Now Listen In On Skype Calls
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