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North Carolina school moving to Google Chromebooks

The cloud refers to where students will store their work from new Google Chromebook model laptops that will be rolled out this fall. According to MCA Director of Development and Information Innovation Lu Anne Browne, this is the eighth year of the school's one-to-one computing initiative-however the first year the school will be using Chromebooks instead of fully featured laptops.

“Our philosophy with innovation is to teach our students that it is a tool and not an end in itself,” said Browne. “We want them to be comfortable with the understanding that research is a wonderful toolbox for them to use to technology subjects just as math and history. There are not just research papers nevertheless PowerPoint presentations and slide shows students can produce as projects.”

Browne said this approach makes Millennium students comfortable using research and gives many a head start as they advance to high school already knowledgeable about using laptops and software for school work. She said the school earlier had used Macintosh or Windows-based programs on student computers-nevertheless the Chromebooks and the application browser software will open up another world of possibilities.

More information: Eschoolnews
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