VoIP Business and Virtual PBX
VoIP for business

Ontario's Case Study of Hybrid SaaS Cloud Model

With our upcoming 'Cloud Computing and the Drummond Report' focused on the Province of Ontario, this means we will have covered all levels of Canadian Government.

With G-Cloud in the UK and Cloud First in the USA being very active, very large markets for Government Cloud Computing, it is a hot topic and an exploding sector, to cut a long story short this is a key way to infuse this Canada Cloud initiative with a strong international sales focus.

Broader context for this Hybrid SaaS possibility

For a broader context for this Hybrid SaaS possibility and as well for some history of Dave's views on adopting Cloud Computing, check out this IT World Canada article from one year ago.

More information: Sys-con
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    Case Study Voip And Cloud Computing

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    Government Ontario Cloud Computing

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    Cloud Case Studies Canada