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Social Recruiting goes Wild

And let us not forget Branchout, "The #1 Professional Network on Facebook," which is re-creating LinkedIn within the entire Facebook environment, and their competitor BeKnown, which is a division of Monster.com.

The most innovative service markets in business

Social Recruiting is one of the most innovative service markets in business, and will create some very big companies over time.and LinkedIn has only just begun.

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I run Bersin & Associates, a global analyst and innovation firm focused on the needs of human resources and training leaders. I've spent much of my career in innovation, sales, marketing, and business leadership and I actively follow and write about major global trends in leadership, management, human resources, and the wide range of H.R. and talent management technologies. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, just close enough to Silicon Valley to keep up with the role of new innovation and its impact on the business of talent.

More information: Forbes