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Survey OF Effects Of Cloud Outage Shows How Much Of The Web Runs On Amazon

Just based on what is in the public domain-particularly those tweets-it is possible to piece at the same time the extent of the impact of the outage, and it was significant. Even though most of the feedback I received to my post yesterday about the outage strongly cautioned against using the cloud for anything really mission critical, this survey will show that many companies are using AWS extensively. Many new companies have business models that only make sense because of how inexpensive and flexible Amazon's cloud services are. So earlier anyone gets too irate about who is responsible for what and how could this have been prevented, let's remember that most of what is now hosted on Amazon didn't even exist ten years ago-and we survived!

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Content strategist

I am a content strategist, designer and developer. I use my experience as a magazine art director and web editor to help publishers, marketers, non-profits and self-branded individuals tell their stories in words and images. I follow all of the technologies that relate to the content business and try to identify the opportunities and pitfalls that these technologies pose. Together I am immersed in certain sectors through my content practice and am always looking to find connections between the worlds of neurology, economics, entertainment, travel and mobile innovation. I live nearly the appropriately-scaled metropolis of Portland, Maine, and occasionally write about the creative economy in Portland in liveworkportland.org. A more complete bio and samples of my design work live at wingandko.com.

More information: Forbes
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