SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Powers Europe's Fastest Supercomputer
Today, Europe's most powerful supercomputer was officially inaugurated by IBM while a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Garching, Germany. Used to solve difficult scientific questions in physics and fluid dynamics, SuperMUC, powered by SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, ranks number four in the June 2012 TOP 500 list of the world's fastest supercomputers. SuperMUC is a System X iDataPlex from IBM and is equipped with more than 155,000 processor cores, which deliver an aggregate peak performance of more than 3 Petaflops of computing power.
Special feature of SuperMUC is an innovative
A special feature of SuperMUC is an innovative, warm-water cooling innovation, inspired by the human blood circulation and developed by IBM, that results in 40 percent less energy consumption than traditional air-cooled machines. Additionally, the system allows energy to be captured and reused to heat the buildings of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Campus.
"We are very proud of our long-standing collaboration with the LRZ. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server has become, thanks to its scalability and performance, one of the most popular operating systems for high-performance computers. For SUSE, today's inauguration of SuperMUC is a great achievement toward our development work in high-performance computing," said Meike Chabowski, HPC product marketing manager, SUSE.
SUSE is a leading provider of enterprise Linux solutions that increase agility, reduce cost and manage complexity in dynamic environments. With a portfolio centered on SUSE Linux Enterprise, the most interoperable platform for mission-critical computing, SUSE enables organizations to confidently deliver computing services across physical, virtual and cloud environments.With our award-winning products and ecosystem of partnerships, SUSE solutions empower thousands of organizations around the world. For more information, visit us at www.suse.com.
The Leibniz-Rechenzentrum of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences on the innovation campus in Garching is the service provider in the field of information processing for the Munich universities. At the same time with the Munich Scientific Network, it provides a powerful communication infrastructure for the sciences and operates extensive backup systems. To boot, the LRZ is a national supercomputing center and part of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing, formed by the three national supercomputing centers. www.lrz.de
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