Windows Phone 8 "sneak peak" due today
Microsoft later today is expected to unveil until further notice some of the straightway version of its Windows Phone mobile operating system. However given the platform's miniscule market share, will anyone actually care?
Apart from various new Windows Phone 8 features and tweaks -- including multi-core CPU support, higher screen resolutions, and microSD cards - the bigger issues might be around application development in light of Microsoft's Windows 8 platform, which is expected to power scores of new tablets and ultrabooks by year-end.
The Windows Phone Summit today in San Francisco
Microsoft is hosting the Windows Phone Summit today in San Francisco. Originally planned as a two-day event, it's now one day, and the official invitation describes it as a "sneak peek at the future of Windows Phone."
Microsoft has been tightlipped about today's news, which comes just days afterwards Apple unveiled iOS 6, due to be released this fall. However there's no lack of speculation on what Windows Phone 8, code-named Apollo, will feature, including this list by TechTree.com, which cites a "source close to Microsoft":
+ And, something with Skype, either deeply integrated as some believe or a greatly improved separate app.
TechTree as well says that Microsoft's Windows Phone partner Nokia is creating an app to support Bluetooth file-sharing on Windows Phone devices.
What Foley calls the evolved Windows core - the kernel
+ Incorporating common components of what Foley calls the evolved Windows "core" - the kernel, networking stacks, security, and multimedia support;
The new OS is likely to support a broad range of screen resolutions, apart from the current 480 x 800 pixels. WPCentral recently reported, based on "independent sources" and Google Analytics data that show site visits by 768 x 1280 resolution devices running Internet Explorer 10, that Windows Phone 8 will support three additional resolutions: 480 x 640, 720 x 1280, and 768 x 1280. By comparison, the iPhone 4S Retina Display is 640 x 960.
The default for all Windows Phone devices
Several rumors say Windows Phone 8 will replace Bing Maps with Nokia's more fully developed 3D Nokia Maps software as the default for all Windows Phone devices, as noted by Boy Genius Report.
Microsoft has so far failed to gain traction with Windows Phone, and its global market share compared to iOS and Android remains in single digits. The bulk of current Windows Phone device sales are Nokia devices, and the Finnish phone maker, which bet its future on Windows Phone is suffering badly as sales of phones running its Symbian OS collapse nevertheless its new Windows Phone smartphones haven't turned into popular hits.
Yet Windows Phone is all in all attracting developer support. The Marketplace recently added the 100,000th app, with near half of the newest one added since the start of 2012, reaching that milestone faster than Android did. [AllAboutWindowsPhone.com has a detailed analysis of the Marketplace.)
"Year-over-year, developer support has shifted, with Microsoft's dent becoming more [much more] visible, now representing 4% while Q2 2012," writes Peter Farago, Flurry's vice president of marketing. "IOS and Android share continue to oscillate mildly now clocking in 67% for iOS and 28% for Android. BlackBerry remains flat. What is important to note is that all four platforms are growing, just at different rates. Exactly, growth rates per platform for year-over-year growth are: iOS 66%, Android 82%, Windows Phone 521%, BlackBerry 13%. Whatever the reason, it's clear that Microsoft after all knows how to attract third party developer support."
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